The campaign is set up, and the file is of good quality. By the end of the day, you need to make 150 calls and secure 5 good meetings
Your manager trusts you and has motivated the entire team with a rousing speech to get you making calls, calls, and more calls.
All you need now is the script. But not just any script…the best script.
Before providing you with this magical script, let’s first look at what a typical script looks like used by most telemarketing companies.
**The phone rings for the prospect**
Prospect: Hello?
Telemarketer: This is Céline Durand from thetelemarketing company
(1.5 seconds pause)
I’m calling to introduce our software that will help you solve all your strategic problems.
Is this a priority for you today?
Prospect: Now is not a good time…
Telemarketer: Would you be open to a demonstration of our software? We have won many awards.
Prospect: We’re not interested.
Telemarketer: Are you the decision-maker? Give me 30 minutes—unless you don’t have the budget.
Don’t laugh. telemarketing companies that use this type of script are numerous. And you won’t be surprised to learn that their conversion rate is less than 1%.
In other words, out of 100 prospects, they will have a second call with only one prospect.
Now, if you call your prospects and say the same things, i.e., pushing to present your products and services—stop immediately.
It’s frustrating for you, but worse for your prospects, your reputation, and your productivity.
If you follow this script (the best script), your conversion rate will be 14-20%, not 1%.
Your time is valuable—don’t waste it calling targets that don’t meet your criteria. Who are your best clients (or those you’ve had the most success with in the past) and identify their common denominator.
For example, your segments might be banks and finance or retail and hotels. Once you’ve identified your targets, you can move on to Step 2.
Use LinkedIn. Suppose you are targeting hotels to offer gym sessions. Search for "People who work in hotels" and/or "General Manager" with "Hotel" as a filter.
There you go—your list of prospects is ready.
Bonus: Prospects prefer doing business with companies located in the same region. You can create your list by adding the "region" criterion.
I know, I know, you just want to pick up the phone and start calling. But trust me, spending a minute researching a prospect will make your call more effective. So do it!
You're already on LinkedIn. Take a quick look at your prospects' profiles. You'll then know:
Quelque chose à laquelle il faut faire très attention : Comment prononcer leurs noms. Les prospects n’aiment qu’on écorche leurs noms.
One thing to pay close attention to: how to pronounce their names. Prospects don’t like it when their names are mispronounced. "How do you pronounce it?"
In the next article, I will give you a concrete example of the "Best Script for Telemarketing Companies."
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.