
Leads Provider Initiates ISO 9001 and ISO 18295 Certification Process

Customer relationship is the major strategic challenge for businesses! It is the key to their sustainability. Implementing processes that promote optimized customer relationships provides several benefits: increased conversion rates, improved interactions with customers, better handling of complaints, and enhanced after-sales service. Specializing in multichannel customer relationships, Leads Provider places great importance on international standards and is committed to adhering to them. As part of our ongoing optimization of activities and commitment to our clients, and with the support of an international consulting firm, we have initiated the process of obtaining ISO 9001 and ISO 18295 certifications. These are frameworks that lead to effective and recognized customer service management. Cependant, pour une entreprise de relation client, s’engager dans une démarche de certification est un travail de longue haleine et obtenir ces deux certificats de qualité n’est pas une sinécure… Implementing processes that promote optimized customer relationships provides several benefits: increased conversion rates, improved interactions with customers, better handling of complaints, and enhanced after-sales service. Specializing in multichannel customer relationships, Leads Provider places great importance on international standards and is committed to adhering to them. As part of our ongoing optimization of activities and commitment to our clients, and with the support of an international consulting firm, we have initiated the process of obtaining ISO 9001 and ISO 18295 certifications. These are frameworks that lead to effective and recognized customer service management. However, for a customer relationship company, committing to a certification process is a long-term effort, and obtaining these two quality certificates is no small feat...

Why is Leads Provider initiating ISO 9001?

Customer orientation is one of the eight fundamental principles of quality management. Leads Provider thus demonstrates to its partners and clients its ability to accurately meet the various needs of its customers. Among its primary concerns are the continuous improvement of customer experience and effective handling of complaints.

Definition of Customer Orientation?

The primary goal of quality management is the consistent satisfaction of customer expectations. We all know that a company's success is measured by the growth of its revenue and the profits it generates. To achieve this, the company must commit to quality and invest in it. Where the company detects a deficiency, it must act diligently. For example, in the case of a customer complaint, the company must make the necessary corrections very quickly. This, in essence, is the definition of customer orientation. Thus, by providing high-quality services that comply with international standards, Leads Provider ensures the longevity of its customer relationships, maintains its market share, and expands it.

What about the 18295 standard?

The organizations that grant these certifications will primarily assess: • Leads Provider's customer relationship policy; • Its performance indicators related to implemented processes, such as the quality of forecasting or training; • The reliability of its processes for handling complaints. This standard is focused on customer experience and is divided into two parts: ISO 18295-1 specifies best practices to be deployed by all contact centers, whether internal or outsourced, to ensure high-quality service, such as handling customer requests, staff training, process reliability, and performance indicators. ISO 18295-2 completes the first standard and is aimed at organizations that use a contact center and want to ensure that the services provided meet their customers' needs. This standard recommends how to organize the various types of information that should be communicated to ensure a total and guaranteed commitment to customers. Here is an example of how customer experience for a compliant telephone contact with a customer service representative can be evaluated:
  • Adopt a pleasant and cheerful voice and modulate your intonation
  • Practice active listening
  • Maintain a dynamic and positive attitude
  • Manage the exchange with interlocutors and be directive, courteous, and available
  • Adapt to your interlocutors (speech rate, volume, intonation)
  • Be empathetic and show concern
  • Use the present tense and be positive
  • Simplify your language, be precise, and adapt/personalize your speech

Why are these certifications so sought after?

Although these certifications require a certain financial investment, they are highly sought after. Once obtained, they will reassure the company about the effectiveness of its quality management system. For its services:
  • Uniting its employees around a valuable and recognized approach,
  • Continuous improvement of its customer service,
  • Managing its teams according to standardized and comprehensive performance indicators, thus measuring their commitment to customer satisfaction,
  • Team engagement and customer loyalty.
And also its clients:
  • Strengthening trust through a recognized certification
  • Positioning relative to competitors
  • Demonstrating that customer experience is a priority for the company and showcasing a high level of customer service quality
These international standards will allow us to progress with our clients and partners in achieving our goals through a collaborative and ethical approach to our business: Multichannel customer relationship management. These certifications represent a genuine commitment over time. They will be valued annually during control audits and daily through the services provided to our clients. We have our Quality Policy available for you, a document describing Leads Provider's general quality guidelines as officially stated by management. To request this document, please feel free to write to us: contact@leadsprovider.fr